July 15, 2012

More about Movement.

Guys I really hope you can help about the Jamaasian Movement. You saw how safari07 said the sandals are too  human? look on the post about the Jamaasian movement to know more. PLEASE take notice people! AJ is turning into New York and we are doing NOTHING about it! please do something- ANYTHING to help Jamaa! I miss beta and its awful in this new jamaa. More game den glitches that happen randomly which is totally awful when you have a slow computer like mine! AJ is trying to impress jammers, but at least 1 jammer is quitting a week! The falling phantoms game is not working anymore, even when i was at my friends house where the internet is perfectly fine! guys, take notice and get out there and DO SOMETHING! sorry if i sound a little bossy... BUT I WANNA HELP JAMAA AS MUCH AS YOU DO JAMMERS! come on guys! do you really want the end of the simple game Animal jam? Then it will turn into the hectic I WANT RARES AND HUMAN STUFF Animal Jam. I was there when trading started. It was so awful. Everything went downhill from January 2011 ( when i first joined AJ) and seals came out. more stuff came and everyone was crazy about trading, pets, and more animals, but it was a disappointment. You shoud have seen the crowd out claws n paws when pets first came out. Please help jammers! you are true jamaasians and not jammers. You see how AJ treats us like five year olds and covers up hacks and glitchs with phantoms that dont exist. come on guys. you can do better.


  1. Thank you Harper the seal for mac & cheese.
    Anyways, Luna here, and I agree! Jamaa is turning into some human place for animals! Animal Jam needs to be more natural! If we don't make a difference soon, Animal Jam will just be a bunch of people running around asking people to date them and trade them!

  2. Hello! that is very true, and im glad SOMEONE took notice! if AJ was like this all the time, that would surely suck big time. I buy my rares instead of trading them. (except for the top hat. that was a gift) The trading system here and still people are scaming. ugh! the new AJ is so not cool. Anyway, thanks for supporting my cause!

    Thanks again,

    Lehelter :)


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