Hey Jammers! Signs on AJ

I will put aa lot of work into this page, and it will be updated a lot. Mods, If you can, Post pictures of Hey jammers on this page!

This happened 3:51 AM Central Standard Central Time Zone. AJ is updating in 10 mins. Wonder how long it will take.... ( 6/26/2012 is when it happened )

 this one is:

Visit Jammer Central and submit your entries for the NEW PET CONTEST!

 Remember to send in your entries for the OCEAN DEN ITEM CONTEST!
 Have you played all the NEW GAMES at the SUMMER CARNIVAL?

Have you seen all the cool ADOPTION WEEK worksheets at the Daily Explorer ( AJHQ's blog) ?


  1. What do you mean post pics of Hey Jammers? You mean signs around Jamma? By the way you have 2 a's.

    1. Since the signs always have "Hey Jammers!" in the beginning, I think that is what they mean.


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