Contests! :D :) :P

No contest right now.


  1. The Answer is man! And i like reading all the Greek mythology, it's so interesting to me!

  2. Pikiachu333 and safari07, congrats! You guys are the winners! Since you are already mods, I will say I have to find a prize.. You can comment what prize you want and it has to be in a store. Ok? :)

  3. Oh it's ok I just like to do it for fun. No need to give me a prize. Save your money for something better.

    1. Oh and I think it's just weird for a man to be a mamale * sorry bad spelling * Cuz mans don't really give birth XP. any ways seahorses can tho. So also i'm wrong. XP

  4. Hmmm poetry eh... I'm not to good at it but I could try!

    A Time Of Dreams
    From reveries of deep things to all kinds of thought dreams
    There's a pathway, a narrow entrance thru which sometimes we go
    Slipping into a world of our childhood, its meadows and streams
    With magical days of springtime that ambled by so slow...

    Well thats it. I could do more but i don't want it to be to long.

  5. Wow! You might say your poems aren't great, but you are awesome! Keep it up! :)

    1. Thanks! I just make them up as I go. I'm not a poetry type of person. Thanks again your a really nice person. :)

  6. Hmmm you almost got it you just have to add all the numbers together

  7. Maybe I can try this? My guess is 76! This is my work:

    Bus 1= 1 kid so 2 more than one will be 3. 25 buses in all so 25 - 1=24 24 x3 =72 +1 =73

    Whoops! I guess I take my earlier answer back... It's 73.. My bad..

    Pool I am having some trouble with your email adress so it might take a while ok?
    And pikachu, free deleted me so I'm not very happy with her, but I'm not gonna be like magic797

    Bye bye,

  8. o3o I wonder why xXFreeSpiritXx would delete you... That's weird. Any ways, still not right. I think you guys might want a hint...

    Buss 1=1 plus 1 plus 2 more equals 3
    3 plus the 1 equals 4. So that's your first 2. Keep adding 3 onto that 25 times. Than ADD EVERY THING TOGETHER.

    There's your hint good luck!

  9. Shoot, no contests D:

    ^-^ funplay1


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