August 26, 2012

Hey everyone?

Guys, I am really sorry for not posting that much, or getting on AJ. No, I am NOT grounded, there is something wrong with my eye, and believe me. Having an eye problem and having glasses is like ick. And Pikachu, I don't want your account!!!! Why would I want your account? If you might decide to come back again, you won't have any stuff left! So just keep your account.

ok that was random. And I still don't get how to use LinkWhithin. I think I will leave it to you Jammie, and I will fix the gadget once it's THERE. And remember, it's Http:// 
I know, really long URL...  

I will make ya admin for about a day. Once it's done, just post, and I wil be right there. [ that was for Jammie263] Omg I forgot! The date for Adminess is AUGUST 27 Sorry if it's a bad date, but best date I could find O.O 

Anyways, I started some kind of house/airplane in my den. I really like it. But everyone is FREE to copy me :)  The underground hollow den is like EXPENSIVE!!!!  I wish it was super cheap, like 2500 gems.

Ok seriously random post done. And repeat this toungue twister THREE TIMES.

A skunk sat on a stump and thought the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk!!!

Lol really funny. Anyways, see ya!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, that's good. But since I'm not aloud to post too much because I can't use the computer that long, it may happen at night time. O-O Wait, isn't that today!? OMG why am I still author than?


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