August 21, 2012

Tree Stump Sink

Hey Jammers! 
A new item came out on the first page of Jam Mart Furniture today!

Also, snowyclaw won the News Crew Assignment on the Daily Explorer! 
Here is the article!

Foxes are amazing animals that live all around the world. Although these mammals look much like cats with their pointed ears they are actually part of the dog family! Did you know they are closely related to jackals and coyotes?
You can recognize a fox by its narrow snout, pointed ears, and long bushy tail. Its tail is also called a brush and aids in balance, plus it provides warmth in cold weather – when chilly the fox simply tucks its tail around its nose!
Foxes live in many different areas and are known to be resourceful and clever. Native Americans believed the fox to be both a wise messenger and a playful trickster! Different types of foxes live in different places – grey foxes tend to live in forests while silver foxes live in colder areas. The Arctic fox lives in the Arctic Circle, near the North Pole!
The red fox is the most common kind of fox and can be found all over the world. Like all foxes they raise their pups in underground dens such as abandoned burrows. They are also omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. They often munch on rodents, vegetables, and even pet food! The fox is a fantastic and welcome addition to the land of Jamaa!
-Eternal Frozenstone

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